
The Story

Challenging the sea

The great adventure

Crew & Clan

Technical information

Wanting to know more ?

Sailing in a Viking Ship ?

Language English
Taal Nederlands
Sprache Deutsch
Språk Sverige

The Story

Back in the early eighties Peter Adrian decided to approach his interest  in technique and sailing in a new, different and most of all historical way.  He wanted to design a small and handsome wooden build vessel gathering both,  viking time and modern qualities - just as historic authentity and  good sailing performance.

Inspired by major archaeological finds as for example the famous Oseberg and Gokstad  ships found in 1880 near Oslo Peter designed his Thor Viking to be a small,  7 meter long trading boat for both, one-hand and crew sailing.  While designing the boat Peter had some goals he wanted to archive:  The boat should be as fast as possible for its length;  it should carry a min. of 2 and a max. of 8 or 9 persons and it should be easy to row.  Further the boat was meant to carry a tent, giving sleeping space for at least 4 persons.  It should be save and - last but not least - have a reasonable price.

In 1994 Thor Viking was ready for launch.  Thinking of his hometown, Arvika, and its Viking time history Peter had in mind to  name the boat Ar Viking to honour the "Vikingaleden",  the waterway from Säffle to Arvika where Junker Knut sailed 1227 A.D.  with 11 ships to fight against the Norwegian king Håkon.  Junker Knut lost his fight in 1227 and even tough did Peter.  No, not against king Håkon, but against the one whose power knows no limits:  Thor the red-bearded and broad-shouldered,  the son of Odin and the protector of the Aesir (Gylfaginning).  The day for baptisement was fine and clear.  It couldn’t even be better.  But when the first drops of Mjöd poured down the new and still  unused planks dark clouds appeared at the horizon.  While the ceremony slowly got to the climax,  the name giving, Thor threw his hammer Mjöllnir with all his might.  Thunder crashed down and heavy raindrops splashed to the ground.  Peter knew, some thing was wrong. In the out breaking chaos,  the run for rain clothes and umbrellas Peter suddenly understood what was going on.  But still he wanted name the boat Ar Viking.  He wouldn’t just bow for a Deity’s will.  He did fight - and so did Thor.  Finally Thor threw his hammer once again.  This time his target was Peters Video Camera.  It broke and worked never again. Peter had lost.
And so Ar Viking became Thor Viking.

The shipyard crew manned the boat and Thor Viking followed the magic cloud  out to her maiden trip heading east for trying her wings and  proving for the unskilled crew that a Viking vessel can tack and  make it way home towards the wind even on a maiden voyage.

Designed by E. Maass [ 30.6.2000 ]
Modified by H.A. Houben [   1.1.2014 ]

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